Merlin Day Musselman Memorial Scholarship

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The Portland Orff-Schulwerk Association offers partial scholarships for Level I to successful applicants. If you are interested in scholarships for levels II or III, and you are a member of AOSA, please check the AOSA website for scholarship options and information.

Applications due by April 1st.

2025 Merlin Day Musselman Scholarship

Diversity Incentive Scholarship

Portland Orff Diversity Incentive Scholarship Statement:

We at Portland Orff are committed to working toward making our membership inclusive and representative of the students we serve, especially our students of color. As a chapter of the American Orff Schulwerk Association, we value and support the work of AOSA* in leading our organization to a more inclusive and diverse membership and future leadership. In support of these goals, we want to invite and encourage more educators of color to take summer levels courses and become Orff certified. As one step toward this goal of elevating diverse voices in our organization and profession, our board has approved and funded a new scholarship. This scholarship is intended as an incentive to encourage educators of color to take Orff levels training. This $200 scholarship will be used toward Level I, II, or III tuition at the Portland Orff Course. Any person who self-identifies as an educator of color, or coming from a diverse background, is welcome to apply. This is not a need based scholarship, and no financial information is requested. Applicants will be selected based on responses to questions about educational goals and the student population they serve. 

Applications due by April 1st.

2025 POSA Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

**AOSA Diversity Statement: AOSA is committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive membership, promoting an understanding of issues of diversity and inclusion and providing teaching and learning resources that respect, affirm, and protect the dignity and worth of all.